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Man, 73, who lived alone, found dead in Hougang flat after estranged wife paid a visit - Mothership.SG


Man, 73, who lived alone, found dead in Hougang flat after estranged wife paid a visit - Mothership.SG
A 73-year-old man was found dead alone in his flat at Block 630 Hougang Avenue 8.
He was discovered when his wife came to visit him on Feb. 20, 2024.
No one answered the door at that time.
He was found dead four days later at about 11:35am, reported Shin Min Daily News.

Lived alone​

One neighbour told Shin Min that the deceased had lived there for nearly 10 years.
He was often alone and liked to hoard things, she said.
She added that she avoided the old man as he was known to get into conflict with other neighbours.
"He was a tall and big guy who usually rode his bicycle out to buy breakfast. The last time I saw him was last week," she stated.
She shared that the man used to live with his wife, who moved out several years ago.

Visit from estranged wife​

When she paid a visit to the deceased's flat, the wife asked residents downstairs which unit her husband was in.
Believing that the woman no longer remembered her husband's address, the neighbour led her to his apartment.
They knocked on his door many times, but he never responded.
They ended up pushing open the front door, but there was still no sign of the man.
"The bedroom door was shut, so I believe the uncle died in his room," the neighbour told Shin Min.
She said the wife didn't say why she was visiting, and left after not being able to find her husband.

Foul stench​

The next day, the neighbour noticed the smell of something rotten emanating into her house.
Thinking that a lizard or mouse had died somewhere, she searched the house to no avail.
The stench grew so strong that she even had trouble sleeping at night, she told Shin Min.
Sensing that something was amiss, the neighbour went to check out the man's unit.
She only dared to make a police report after other neighbours also voiced their suspicions.

Case of unnatural death​

In response to Shin Min's queries, the police confirmed that they received a report of an unnatural death.
The man was found lying unconscious in his unit.
He was later pronounced dead.
According to preliminary investigations, no foul play was suspected.
Investigations are ongoing.
Top images via Google Maps and Shin Min Daily News


''In response to Shin Min's queries, the police confirmed that they received a report of an unnatural death. The man was found lying unconscious in his unit.
He was later pronounced dead."

Foul stench for days and the guy was found ''unconscious"? So if you are dead you are now considered unconscious? WTF?!!!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
''In response to Shin Min's queries, the police confirmed that they received a report of an unnatural death. The man was found lying unconscious in his unit.
He was later pronounced dead."

Foul stench for days and the guy was found ''unconscious"? So if you are dead you are now considered unconscious? WTF?!!!

Although unconscious people may not be dead the dead are always unconscious.. There is therefore nothing inaccurate about that statement.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Dead would be unresponsive not unconscious...... but who cares.
A person can be either conscious or unconscious.

If a dead person is not unconscious it would mean that the dead can be conscious which is not possible at least not on earth. Perhaps it is possible in heaven or hell.