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‘Only Allah Can Test Us’ — M’sian Student’s Answer On Exam Paper Stuns Teacher



‘Only Allah Can Test Us’ — M’sian Student’s Answer On Exam Paper Stuns Teacher​

FEBRUARY 4, 2024

'only allah can test us' — m'sian student's answer on exam paper stuns teacher | weirdkaya
Cover image via FMTX

Sitting for an exam is never easy and there are times where one might go blank and simply slot in an answer just in order not to leave the question empty.​

However, one student went event further than that and wrote about how the exam paper had no right to “test” him but only God could.

M'sian students preparing for an exam

Photo via The Malaysian Reserve

Student writes ‘only Allah can test us’ in exam paper​

In a now-deleted post by @brgsjks on X (formerly Twitter), it showed a Computer Science exam paper which required students to answer a question regarding foreign keys.
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Instead of answering the question, the student proceeded to descend into a passive aggressive, incoherent 7-paragraph rant about how he felt he shouldn’t be made to sit for the exam at all and how difficult it was.
Only Allah (God) can test us. It’s difficult for a squirrel to jump, and it’s even harder (to study) Basic Computer Science.
M'sian student writes 'only allah can test us' on exam paper
Photo via X
“Studied for other chapters but another chapter comes up instead. What is this? Mum wants to follow, NO NEED! Time is almost up, where did the answer go? (It) went for a vacation.

“I surrender myself at this moment to the ruler of the heavens and earth, because I am sincere, O Allah.”

Netizens confused & concerned​

Although the original post was deleted, it was later shared by multiple pages on Facebook, where it unsurprisingly sparked a wave of concern and outrage among netizens.
‘Nowadays exam papers are being answered like they’re activity books…no sense of importance at all. When (the question) asks ‘why?’, the answer is ‘because I can’.’

'only allah can test us' — m'sian student's answer on exam paper stuns teacher comment 1
Screenshot via Facebook
‘If it was me, I would have slapped the student.’
'only allah can test us' — m'sian student's answer on exam paper stuns teacher comment 2
Screenshot via Facebook
Some opined that this was probably another shenanigan being pulled by someone from the Gen Z, with one harshly referring to them as ‘Generation Zero’.
'only allah can test us' — m'sian student's answer on exam paper stuns teacher comment 3
Screenshot via Facebook
'only allah can test us' — m'sian student's answer on exam paper stuns teacher comment 4
Screenshot via Facebook

syed putra

Nobody can change the rotting system in jiu hu. Because all of them were involved in the rot. Including anwar.


Old Fart
There is absolutely no need for education to qualify as a suicide bomber. He should stop attending school, or the school can expel him.


Muslims are turning to religion for answers to real life issues, a very good sign. LKY told malays to be less religious, I oppose him.