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I’m prepared to be investigated over graft, says Dr M


I’m prepared to be investigated over graft, says Dr M
PUTRAJAYA: Following the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) probe against his son Datuk Mirzan Mahathir, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says he too is prepared to be investigated by the authorities.
The veteran politician refuted a statement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that it was hard to investigate those with the Tun title.
Instead, Dr Mahathir said, it was harder to investigate those who are in power.
“There is nothing challenging about investigating me. I’m just a Tun. If they put me in jail, I will just die in jail. If I’m dead, there is no need to investigate me. There won’t be many problems,” he said in jest, during a press conference at the Perdana Leadership Foundation yesterday.
He added that his bank accounts, Inland Revenue Board statements and others could be easily accessed by enforcement agencies.
He also claimed that the investigation was done to scare those who did not support the government.
“Of course I am worried. My son told me he received a notice to disclose all his transactions since he was a 20-year-old,” he said, adding that Mirzan was told to provide a 42-year history of transactions within 30 days.

On Jan 20, businessman Mirzan was issued a notice to declare his assets, both inside and outside the country, within 30 days.
The notice was issued in relation to “revelations” in the Panama Papers and the Pandora Papers.
“He (Mirzan) has to ask banks, PETRONAS, the Inland Revenue Board and also has to dig up documents from his old office,” added Mahathir.
Asked if the probe was “revenge” by the Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir replied that he was not sure.
“When I became prime minister for a second time in 2018, Anwar was released.
“Then, when he contested an election, both Tun Daim Zainuddin and I campaigned for him. After we campaigned for him, now he wants to investigate me for wrongdoing.
“It is all right if I have done something wrong, but don’t make use of the law to threaten people,” said Dr Mahathir.
When Anwar contested in a seven-way fight in Port Dickson in 2018, Daim, who at the time chaired the Council of Eminent Persons, joined the former’s campaign and urged locals to support Anwar.


August 19, 2020

Mahathir had always claimed that it has never been his intention to create a “legacy” in the local scene. He had numerously touched on the subject of his children’s massive wealth, for example, as one that is as a result of hard work than the affiliation with the family name itself. But the reality is hard to ignore when the accumulated wealth of Mirzan, Mokhzani and Marina totals up to more the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of over a hundred countries.


For example, the Sarawak state government in 1994 gave logging approval of around 1,000 hectares of timber to TANJUNG TIARA SDN BHD. Who was the lucky owner of Tanjung Tiara? No other than Mukhriz Mahathir, who not only a shareholder of Tanjung Tiara – but also served as its chairman.


More details at –
So, what did Tanjung Tiara or Mukhriz Mahathir do to deserve such a gold mine falling on their laps? According to the legal advisor to the Sarawak government Fong Joo Chung, it was simply because Mukhriz’s father, Mahathir Mohamad was the Prime Minister of Malaysia at the time.

Similar questions of impropriety were also brought up during Mukhriz’s second tenure as Kedah Chief Minister. Below is an example of some suspect land sales in Kedah to Chinese businesses – a narrative that is being used by Mahathir himself to label his enemies as traitors to the Malay race. Surprisingly, in this particular incident, a total of 320 hectares just to a single Chinese company.

More details on this and other KEDAH – CHINA projects while Mukhriz was the CM :


The Rakyat needs no reminder that Dr. Mahathir and his children, are all multi-millionaires and billionaires themselves. When asked on this matter, Dr. Mahathir had often hit back at critics by saying that his children’s success “is due to their own hard work and nothing to do with him helming the government for two decades”. The two-time Prime Minister had also explained that his children were not rich when he was in power.

If that’s the case, Dr. Mahathir’s family must have been “extra hardworking” as the net worth of Marina, Mirzan, Mukhriz and Mokhzani easily surpasses the GDP of at least 120 countries. By all means, it does seem like Mokhzani was referring to his own family as “champions”, by the virtue of their immense and unnatural wealth.


To be more specific:
It is no wonder that Mahathir is always defensive about his children’s work ethics. After all, Mahathir’s children have not only “worked hard” to deserve their billions, but they have also cemented themselves as among the richest Malays on Earth. With Mahathir’s political influence on the side, it is not an exaggeration to say that Mahathir is building a dynasty that would cement their “untouchable” status for generations to come


syed putra

Below is an example of some suspect land sales in Kedah to Chinese businesses – a narrative that is being used by Mahathir himself to label his enemies as traitors to the Malay race. Surprisingly, in this particular incident, a total of 320 hectares just to a single Chinese company
If not jho " How low can can you go" low, sure another China man involved.



Dr Mahathir warded in IJN, defamation trial against DPM Zahid adjourned to July 19​

Dr Mahathir warded in IJN, defamation trial against DPM Zahid adjourned to July 19

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been admitted to the National Heart Institute (IJN) since January 26. ― Bernama file pic
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Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024 2:17 PM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 13 ― The hearing for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's defamation suit against Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, relating to alleged defamatory statements with regard to the “kutty” issue, originally set for today, has been adjourned to July 19.

Judicial Commissioner Gan Techiong granted the postponement after an application by Dr Mahathir's lawyer, Mior Nor Haidir Suhaimi cited that his client has been admitted to the National Heart Institute (IJN) since January 26.
IJN had also sent a letter to the court indicating Dr Mahathir, 98, was unable to attend court proceedings today due to his health condition.

“Our client was given a sick leave certificate by the IJN from January 26 to February 18. We request that today's trial be postponed,” said Mior Nor Haidir, assisted by lawyer Rafique Rashid Ali.

Mohamed Shahrul Fazli Kamarulzaman, who represented Ahmad Zahid, 71, suggested that the trial begin in October, but Gan objected saying it should be earlier due to the advanced age of the plaintiff.
“We can vacate other cases to accommodate this trial. Most probably, Tun Mahathir is one of the oldest plaintiffs in this court,” said Gan.

After approving the adjournment, the court set new trial dates for July 19, August 26 to 27, and October 29 to 30.
Mior Nor Haidir conveyed to the court that the plaintiff, Dr Mahathir, and his son Datuk Seri Mukhriz, will be presented as witnesses during the trial.
While Mohamed Shahrul Fazli specified that the deputy prime minister and another subpoenaed witness were scheduled to testify at the trial. ― Bernama


By the time he drag through the appeal process, it would have been 5-6 years liao la. By then surely he submit passport!
He will do Mudland a favour by submitting his passport now

Former Malaysia PM Mahathir, 98, hospitalised again​

Former Malaysia PM Mahathir, 98, hospitalised again

Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad speaks during an interview with Reuters in Putrajaya, Malaysia Nov 8, 2022. (File photo: REUTERS/Hasnoor Hussain)
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13 Feb 2024 07:40PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Malaysia prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, 98, has been admitted to hospital again, his office said, confirming media reports after the ex-premier of more than two decades missed a court hearing on Tuesday (Feb 13).
The nonagenarian has been in and out of hospital in recent years. He has a history of heart problems and has undergone bypass surgeries.


Mahathir had been scheduled to attend a court proceeding relating to his lawsuit against Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for allegedly making defamatory statements questioning the former leader's racial origins.
The judge postponed the hearing to Jul 19 after Mahathir's lawyer told the court that his client had been admitted to the National Heart Institute since Jan 26.
Ahmad Zahid’s lawyer suggested that the trial begin in October, but the judge rejected the proposal and asked for earlier dates to be fixed.
“We can vacate other cases to accommodate this trial. Most probably, Tun Mahathir is one of the oldest plaintiffs in this court,” said Judicial Commissioner Gan Techiong.


Mahathir calls Zahid ‘compulsive liar’ over remarks on his Indian lineage, demands apology

Mahathir served as prime minister for 22 years until 2003.


He returned as premier in 2018 after leading the opposition coalition to a historic win, but his government collapsed in less than two years due to infighting.
The defamation suit was filed in July 2022, with Mahathir accusing Ahmad Zahid of slandering him during an UMNO divisional meeting.
In his statement of claim, Mahathir alleged that Ahmad Zahid's comments were meant to imply that he was not born a Malay or a Muslim and that his original name was Mahathir son of Iskandar Kutty.