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if u given a chance to migrate out of singapore which country would u migrate to?


Born and raised in Malaysia, lived in several countries in America/Europe. Now considering Singapore to live long term or the rest of my life.

My perspective is the root cause of many people wanting to emmigrate is money. There's property, romantic life, family drama, tons of reasons to escape and I've had many of them, but they all trace back to not having enough money and feeling you can't earn as much.
  • Hiring foreigners over locals for job/career and salary progression stuck - Can't earn enough money
  • Working a crappy job that has long hours/toxic - Don't have enough money
    Otherwise can quit at will and look for a better job.
  • Property too expensive - Don't have enough money
  • Poor romantic prospects - Don't have enough money
    You can't buy true love but fact is having money can make you a far more interesting person. Poor person ain't going to go sailing or skydiving or frequent travels across multiple countries. "Poor" is not necessarily financially speaking, but could also mean working a crap job that doesn't allow you to take leave, for example.
  • Escape family drama - Don't have enough money
    Otherwise can move out to own place, even if it's down the street.
  • Don't like local education system - Don't have enough money
    Otherwise can send kids overseas to be educated. Don't even have to wait to uni level. Feel like quite a few people migrate to enjoy PR/local tuition rates for their kids.
People don't really care* about politics and other macro-level things (e.g. racism and discrimination) unless it affects or starts to affect them.

*Important to distinguish between actually caring vs pretending to care. E.g. many social media posts are just people virtue signalling and pretending to care just to look good to others. In reality, they may not actually care about whatever they're posting about.

It's not a guarantee that you'll be financially better off in a new country, even if as a Malaysian with exchange rate is on your side (though the odds are certainly in your favor) and even if you have solid and/or specialized career experience, and even if you go there with a PR already in hand (see asshole "Canadian experience" system where many Canadian jobs will only consider work experience in Canada as experience... truly fucked up). For Singaporeans, it's an even less clear choice.

Even if you did land a job and it's an upgrade in pay and work-life balance (I certainly did), you're likely paying for it in a less obvious way (if you migrated with someone else and don't feel it at all, your spouse or your kids might be taking the brunt of it). Most commonly, it's romantic life and career ceiling.

Despite all the claims of better equality and "caring" about others through movements like Black Lives Matter, Refugees Welcome "we welcome diversity", and seemingly giving off the impression by letting you in, Mr/Ms Immigrant, these two huge racism-centered problems have a high possibility of affecting you and/or your kids.

Speaking from personal experience and doing way too much research, years of it, getting into a relationship as a single Asian male in a western country is akin to striking the lottery. Unless you are absolutely OK with remaining single for the rest of your life and/or not having a family, this is a huge factor. At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself, was it all worth the additional earnings?

At the beginning, in my early 20's, where my savings per month was as much as the entire monthly salary of a mid-level employee in Malaysia, the answer was a clear yes for me. But as the years passed and I had close to no luck dating, the answer became more muddy:
  • On one hand I was still saving more money than the average person my age and level in Malaysia and even Singapore.
  • On the other, the gap was much less than it was before (on average, entry-level/fresh grad pay in western countries is much more attractive, but salaries scale harder in MY/SG and can outstrip western salaries starting in your 30's) and I was still single with little chance of meeting a life partner in sight.
  • Somewhere in between, I tried out dating apps while vacationing in SEA and realized I wasn't the problem because I could land tons of local matches and dates without a problem. It really was racism (many people gaslight you to believing you need to make your profile or pictures better). This made me more depressed and more bitter as I lamented my time abroad even more.
  • The bitterness I had developed towards the unfairness of the country (Germany) had consumed me so much that even after I got into a relationship (Asian girl) over there, it was still there and IMO it was one of contributing factors to the relationship ending.
Unless you chose to move to a place where you already have relatives (good idea!), you're also at least 8 hours by flight away from any family or friends to support you, and you'll feel especially lonely at the early stages of having to setup not just your physical life (property, furnishing, schooling) but your social one as well. The process of making friends from scratch as an adult past your uni days really, really sucks - most people already have their own cliques or have families to tend to.

Obviously there's some truth to the pros of moving and working to a different country, but what I've learned is to get in, get the degree and job, let the "western experience" timer on the resume tick upwards, then get out.

I don't deny my life as a whole has been a lot better for most of my time living abroad (due to toxic parents, poor salaries in Malaysia, impossible to live alone and save up in MY/SG as a fresh graduate) but I also acknowledge the pros have faded and the world isn't as clear cut as "move to different country, get PR, byebye shit hole I'm happier abroad" as most Malaysian/Singaporean seem to think it is.
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Born and raised in Malaysia, lived in several countries in America/Europe. Now considering Singapore to live long term or the rest of my life.

My perspective is the root cause of many people wanting to emmigrate is money. There's property, romantic life, family drama, tons of reasons to escape and I've had many of them, but they all trace back to not having enough money and feeling you can't earn as much.
  • Hiring foreigners over locals for job/career and salary progression stuck - Can't earn enough money
  • Working a crappy job that has long hours/toxic - Don't have enough money
    Otherwise can quit at will and look for a better job.
  • Property too expensive - Don't have enough money
  • Poor romantic prospects - Don't have enough money
    You can't buy true love but fact is having money can make you a far more interesting person. Poor person ain't going to go sailing or skydiving or frequent travels across multiple countries. "Poor" is not necessarily financially speaking, but could also mean working a crap job that doesn't allow you to take leave, for example.
  • Escape family drama - Don't have enough money
    Otherwise can move out to own place, even if it's down the street.
  • Don't like local education system - Don't have enough money
    Otherwise can send kids overseas to be educated. Don't even have to wait to uni level. Feel like quite a few people migrate to enjoy PR/local tuition rates for their kids.
People don't really care* about politics and other macro-level things (e.g. racism and discrimination) unless it affects or starts to affect them.

*Important to distinguish between actually caring vs pretending to care. E.g. many social media posts are just people virtue signalling and pretending to care just to look good to others. In reality, they may not actually care about whatever they're posting about.

It's not a guarantee that you'll be financially better off in a new country, even if as a Malaysian with exchange rate is on your side (though the odds are certainly in your favor) and even if you have solid and/or specialized career experience, and even if you go there with a PR already in hand (see asshole "Canadian experience" system where many Canadian jobs will only consider work experience in Canada as experience... truly fucked up). For Singaporeans, it's an even less clear choice.

Even if you did land a job and it's an upgrade in pay and work-life balance (I certainly did), you're likely paying for it in a less obvious way (if you migrated with someone else and don't feel it at all, your spouse or your kids might be taking the brunt of it). Most commonly, it's romantic life and career ceiling.

Despite all the claims of better equality and "caring" about others through movements like Black Lives Matter, Refugees Welcome "we welcome diversity", and seemingly giving off the impression by letting you in, Mr/Ms Immigrant, these two huge racism-centered problems have a high possibility of affecting you and/or your kids.

Speaking from personal experience and doing way too much research, years of it, getting into a relationship as a single Asian male in a western country is akin to striking the lottery. Unless you are absolutely OK with remaining single for the rest of your life and/or not having a family, this is a huge factor. At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself, was it all worth the additional earnings?

At the beginning, in my early 20's, where my savings per month was as much as the entire monthly salary of a mid-level employee in Malaysia, the answer was a clear yes for me. But as the years passed and I had close to no luck dating, the answer became more muddy:
  • On one hand I was still saving more money than the average person my age and level in Malaysia and even Singapore.
  • On the other, the gap was much less than it was before (on average, entry-level/fresh grad pay in western countries is much more attractive, but salaries scale harder in MY/SG and can outstrip western salaries starting in your 30's) and I was still single with little chance of meeting a life partner in sight.
  • Somewhere in between, I tried out dating apps while vacationing in SEA and realized I wasn't the problem because I could land tons of local matches and dates without a problem. It really was racism (many people gaslight you to believing you need to make your profile or pictures better). This made me more depressed and more bitter as I lamented my time abroad even more.
  • The bitterness I had developed towards the unfairness of the country (Germany) had consumed me so much that even after I got into a relationship (Asian girl) over there, it was still there and IMO it was one of contributing factors to the relationship ending.
Unless you chose to move to a place where you already have relatives (good idea!), you're also at least 8 hours by flight away from any family or friends to support you, and you'll feel especially lonely at the early stages of having to setup not just your physical life (property, furnishing, schooling) but your social one as well. The process of making friends from scratch as an adult past your uni days really, really sucks - most people already have their own cliques or have families to tend to.

Obviously there's some truth to the pros of moving and working to a different country, but what I've learned is to get in, get the degree and job, let the "western experience" timer on the resume tick upwards, then get out.

I don't deny my life as a whole has been a lot better for most of my time living abroad (due to toxic parents, poor salaries in Malaysia, impossible to live alone and save up in MY/SG as a fresh graduate) but I also acknowledge the pros have faded and the world isn't as clear cut as "move to different country, get PR, byebye shit hole I'm happier abroad" as most Malaysian/Singaporean seem to think it is.

bro i was born in Sg and lived and worked in Sg until I was 37 year old. In Singapore everything is very expensive and my salary very low and my life saving in my POSB got less then $500 I can never retire if I grow old in Sg and I can never have baby because singapore is not a good country to raise children and also very expensive.
After 37 years I only “owned” 5 room hdb flat which zero value after 99 years.

I migrated to Australia after 10 years I owned 2 landed property i have a daughter now she 6 year old and i already retired 7 years ago now i am 47 year old and a full time daddy.
Every day is a blessing for me and my family here in Australia bro


bro i was born in Sg and lived and worked in Sg until I was 37 year old. In Singapore everything is very expensive and my salary very low and my life saving in my POSB got less then $500 I can never retire if I grow old in Sg and I can never have baby because singapore is not a good country to raise children and also very expensive.
After 37 years I only “owned” 5 room hdb flat which zero value after 99 years.

I migrated to Australia after 10 years I owned 2 landed property i have a daughter now she 6 year old and i already retired 7 years ago now i am 47 year old and a full time daddy.
Every day is a blessing for me and my family here in Australia bro

I'm both envious and happy for you! In your case, migrating was a good move if you went from barely able to save up in SG to early retirement within 3 years of moving to AUS, but realize that's a rare success and you should cherish it.

For every person like you, there's dozens of people who get duped into migrating for a better life only to realize it's worse. And the other problem is they don't want to admit they made a mistake so they tell everyone that it's all good with a smile on their face but they're secretly dying on the inside. You can tell because they have not much to show that migration was a wise choice and they struggle to tell you what's good about life beyond what you can read on the marketing pamphlet.

I do believe both Malaysia and Singapore have the unfortunate 'requirement' of going overseas for a few years to study and/or work in western countries first before you can come back and be a local success. This creates an artificial barrier only afforded by the upper-middle class and above. So the rich only get richer, the poor stay poor.

The only way you can study, work and live local and have a nice life is if you're from the upper class (The kind of people who only get a degree and job for the lulz but can otherwise live off their parents' wealth) or if you're one of those smart talker kuli-class fuckers who will bend over backwards and do anything for the rich people they kiss ass for.

In a way, living overseas does change you a little and you're forced into learning how to feed yourself, get a job, etc but there are people who go and come back as the same person, same habits and all. I've witnessed people I know go back with their US/UK/AUS degree and sometimes a little working experience rocket up the career ladder because while they start out the same as the local grads, promotions, raises, networking, etc all favor that overseas experience.

It's white-worship at its finest because many of those countries are literally a brand that doesn't mean much. But just like you don't get promoted solely based on hard work, the world is unfair and that's just the way it is.


I'm both envious and happy for you! In your case, migrating was a good move if you went from barely able to save up in SG to early retirement within 3 years of moving to AUS, but realize that's a rare success and you should cherish it.

For every person like you, there's dozens of people who get duped into migrating for a better life only to realize it's worse. And the other problem is they don't want to admit they made a mistake so they tell everyone that it's all good with a smile on their face but they're secretly dying on the inside. You can tell because they have not much to show that migration was a wise choice and they struggle to tell you what's good about life beyond what you can read on the marketing pamphlet.

I do believe both Malaysia and Singapore have the unfortunate 'requirement' of going overseas for a few years to study and/or work in western countries first before you can come back and be a local success. This creates an artificial barrier only afforded by the upper-middle class and above. So the rich only get richer, the poor stay poor.

The only way you can study, work and live local and have a nice life is if you're from the upper class (The kind of people who only get a degree and job for the lulz but can otherwise live off their parents' wealth) or if you're one of those smart talker kuli-class fuckers who will bend over backwards and do anything for the rich people they kiss ass for.

In a way, living overseas does change you a little and you're forced into learning how to feed yourself, get a job, etc but there are people who go and come back as the same person, same habits and all. I've witnessed people I know go back with their US/UK/AUS degree and sometimes a little working experience rocket up the career ladder because while they start out the same as the local grads, promotions, raises, networking, etc all favor that overseas experience.

It's white-worship at its finest because many of those countries are literally a brand that doesn't mean much. But just like you don't get promoted solely based on hard work, the world is unfair and that's just the way it is.

bro people migrate due to many reason. for me it the way i was treated in singapore was so bad it eat me inside if i were to compare myself to a shit in the toilet my status is lower than the shit in sg no joke bro to the extent i hate myself for letting people bully and look down on me.
i am those type of person who never like violent and never like to quarrel this is my weakness. well look at the brighter side thanks to all the years of shit treatment it made me a stronger and wiser person and made my heart so determent to migrate out!

and and after 4 years later i renounce my singapore citisenship without a blink.
infact for the past 10 years living in Australia everyday is a blessing the people here dont treat me i am second class citisen they treat like am a human being.

i dont know about others who migrated and failed maybe they lost their job or cant adapt to the enviroment especially the weather or maybe they cant adapt because they have the 1st class mentality and the cant take it when they feel they no longer the 1st class( trust me i knew one person like this a manager she NEVER talk to the lower staff even we greeted her she migrated to Australia and after 2 years later she came back).

and another factor i see is many i mean many sgrean who migrated to Australia they still holding on to their sg passport that mean all their asset like HDB and CPF all in sg. they still love singapore and dont want to burn the bridge of course they have to keep on working they want the best of both world.

for me in sg i got nothing even my life saving in my POSB got less then $500. after i sold my hdb and took out my cpf money the 4th year i able to buy my 1st landed property and after 10 years later i able to buy another landed property. what i trying to say is in order to gain something i need to give up something and i gave up my singapore citisenship to be able to live a decent life in Australia.

thank you for reading bro :smile:
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As long u are rich, everywhere shld be okay! Sg now is a place tat u cant get rich unless u strike rich or your investment give u a 20 to 100 times! Open a small biz in sg, u have to work everyday!

U only can have worker life and work until u die unless u born rich or u single then can ever think of retirement! Sg is a safe country no riots and no natural disasters!

High costs of living to raise a child and is ideal for singles but your life aim want to be single forever? Divorce side sg woman 100%! U will lose alot of money if u face divorce as a guy! NS waste fucking 2 yrs then still complain say sg has no talents only wayang talents!

Sg surrounded by moslem! Okay now is still safe! The hard truth is tat Sg army was created and at first, ask Israelis to train sg army for the first few generations! Their intention is to prevent moslem invasion! So can predict the sg future?

HK used to be a land tat has no riots what abt now? So can predict the sg future?


I've living experience in America and Europe for a long time now, and am actually looking to move to Singapore (am Malaysian) so I'll bite.

As long u are rich, everywhere shld be okay! Sg now is a place tat u cant get rich unless u strike rich or your investment give u a 20 to 100 times! Open a small biz in sg, u have to work everyday!

U only can have worker life and work until u die unless u born rich or u single then can ever think of retirement! Sg is a safe country no riots and no natural disasters!

Working hard if you own your own business = literally every country ever. The money you make is going to be proportional to your effort, why wouldn't you work hard every day? Ken Rockwell's "2 hour work day" is a satire but really describes the reality of it - work for someone else? Try to finish work as quickly as possible and then slack off/use the time for your personal errands. Work for yourself? Well you have to work as hard as possible because your bank account is depending on it.

Singapore also has had 0% capital gains tax. Literally every Western country from the US to Germany to Australia has some form of capital gains tax that takes away a slice of your profits (like 25% for some countries like Germany).

The only country which is most 'open' for the commoner to get rich is actually the US. Tech folks get paid a ton of money just for their skill, without any of that career ladder climbing, political or networking bullshit.

See the screenshot I attached below, someone did the math. It's hard to get rich in any country and you're forced to "work until you die" because their systems are designed for you to work like an indentured slave until old age. Singapore is actually one of the fastest countries you can retire due to the relatively high salary ceilings, low taxes and no capital gains taxes (at a certain point in your career, most of your gains should/will come from investments, not your salary).

You might look at the chart and say forget it, who's gonna pay me 145k SGD? Well, who's gonna pay you 100k EUR in those European countries (except Switzerland whose salaries I understand are higher by default). Singapore comes in as the 2nd earliest option for you to attain that salary number after NYC's 160k USD.

High costs of living to raise a child and is ideal for singles but your life aim want to be single forever? Divorce side sg woman 100%! U will lose alot of money if u face divorce as a guy! NS waste fucking 2 yrs then still complain say sg has no talents only wayang talents!

Raising a child is also expensive in the US, Canada, even Malaysia and Australia. It's only the European countries that give you tons of parent leave, subsidies, assistance, childcare, education, etc. What's the pattern here? That shit is paid by the taxpayer (office workers will generally get taxed in the 40-50% bracket in Germany, even higher the further north you go. Also happen to be the countries with very low class mobility (AKA work until die)

I haven't researched divorce in different countries too much but based on what I know, it's similar in the US and Australia. At any rate, you think Western countries which have rising numbers of rising SJW, feminist, virtue signalling fucktards will make their divorce laws any better or fairer for men? LOL

Sg surrounded by moslem! Okay now is still safe! The hard truth is tat Sg army was created and at first, ask Israelis to train sg army for the first few generations! Their intention is to prevent moslem invasion! So can predict the sg future?

HK used to be a land tat has no riots what abt now? So can predict the sg future?

Better to be surrounded than to be overrun from the inside LOL. Referring to Europe. There's statistics that those people will overtake whites and become the new majority within the next few decades at the low rate whites are reproducing (yay anti-family no responsibilities culture championed by SJWs) combined with how those other fellahs breed like rabbits.

Riots tend to happen when the gomen doesn't do enough to pacify most of the pop. I seriously doubt Singapore faces a higher probability of rioting.


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I've living experience in America and Europe for a long time now, and am actually looking to move to Singapore (am Malaysian) so I'll bite.

Working hard if you own your own business = literally every country ever. The money you make is going to be proportional to your effort, why wouldn't you work hard every day? Ken Rockwell's "2 hour work day" is a satire but really describes the reality of it - work for someone else? Try to finish work as quickly as possible and then slack off/use the time for your personal errands. Work for yourself? Well you have to work as hard as possible because your bank account is depending on it.

Singapore also has had 0% capital gains tax. Literally every Western country from the US to Germany to Australia has some form of capital gains tax that takes away a slice of your profits (like 25% for some countries like Germany).

The only country which is most 'open' for the commoner to get rich is actually the US. Tech folks get paid a ton of money just for their skill, without any of that career ladder climbing, political or networking bullshit.

See the screenshot I attached below, someone did the math. It's hard to get rich in any country and you're forced to "work until you die" because their systems are designed for you to work like an indentured slave until old age. Singapore is actually one of the fastest countries you can retire due to the relatively high salary ceilings, low taxes and no capital gains taxes (at a certain point in your career, most of your gains should/will come from investments, not your salary).

You might look at the chart and say forget it, who's gonna pay me 145k SGD? Well, who's gonna pay you 100k EUR in those European countries (except Switzerland whose salaries I understand are higher by default). Singapore comes in as the 2nd earliest option for you to attain that salary number after NYC's 160k USD.

Raising a child is also expensive in the US, Canada, even Malaysia and Australia. It's only the European countries that give you tons of parent leave, subsidies, assistance, childcare, education, etc. What's the pattern here? That shit is paid by the taxpayer (office workers will generally get taxed in the 40-50% bracket in Germany, even higher the further north you go. Also happen to be the countries with very low class mobility (AKA work until die)

I haven't researched divorce in different countries too much but based on what I know, it's similar in the US and Australia. At any rate, you think Western countries which have rising numbers of rising SJW, feminist, virtue signalling fucktards will make their divorce laws any better or fairer for men? LOL

Better to be surrounded than to be overrun from the inside LOL. Referring to Europe. There's statistics that those people will overtake whites and become the new majority within the next few decades at the low rate whites are reproducing (yay anti-family no responsibilities culture championed by SJWs) combined with how those other fellahs breed like rabbits.

Riots tend to happen when the gomen doesn't do enough to pacify most of the pop. I seriously doubt Singapore faces a higher probability of rioting.

bro if u really want to move to singapore u have to really consider 100000000X if u are very rich and got a few million dollar in the bank then sg is a good place to live.
from the outside singapore looks like a perfect place to live "clean and green" .
i was born in singapore and lived there for 37years and honestly in singapore there really no real benefits what they "give" they will take 100 times! i can see my future in sg pushing trolly collecting boxes just to buy a packet of rice for me and for my dear wife.

why dont u go back to malaysia i believe it is far better then living in singapore at least malaysia when u buy food u use in ringgit far cheaper if u use sg dollar in sg bro.
and i heard healthcare is very affordable in malaysia and trust me if u have a major operation in sg the hospital bills in sg can wipe your life saving clean!
and housing in singapore if u can afford a landed propety it will cost u a few million dollar if not u can buy Condo can cost u $1 million dollar if not hdb can cost u start from $350K to $800K and some places $1million
trust me bro singapore will slowly suck all your hard earn saving.

another thing i observe singapore in the 70s to late 80s was a very safe place to live because u can always see police officer do their round in their patrol cars or walking so there were less crime. now everywhere there security cameras in singapore and very rare u see police officer do their round and there so many crime now in sg.

if a poor man like me can able to retire in other countries and not singapore what this tell u bro.
my humble advice talk to those who already migrated to singapore for more then 10 years and they will share with u what is their experience.
and try not to ask those who only afew years migrated in sg they havent feel the pinch yet and they will tell u very positive comment lol.

well at the end of the day it is your decision bro :smile:
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I've living experience in America and Europe for a long time now, and am actually looking to move to Singapore (am Malaysian) so I'll bite.

Working hard if you own your own business = literally every country ever. The money you make is going to be proportional to your effort, why wouldn't you work hard every day? Ken Rockwell's "2 hour work day" is a satire but really describes the reality of it - work for someone else? Try to finish work as quickly as possible and then slack off/use the time for your personal errands. Work for yourself? Well you have to work as hard as possible because your bank account is depending on it.

Singapore also has had 0% capital gains tax. Literally every Western country from the US to Germany to Australia has some form of capital gains tax that takes away a slice of your profits (like 25% for some countries like Germany).

The only country which is most 'open' for the commoner to get rich is actually the US. Tech folks get paid a ton of money just for their skill, without any of that career ladder climbing, political or networking bullshit.

See the screenshot I attached below, someone did the math. It's hard to get rich in any country and you're forced to "work until you die" because their systems are designed for you to work like an indentured slave until old age. Singapore is actually one of the fastest countries you can retire due to the relatively high salary ceilings, low taxes and no capital gains taxes (at a certain point in your career, most of your gains should/will come from investments, not your salary).

You might look at the chart and say forget it, who's gonna pay me 145k SGD? Well, who's gonna pay you 100k EUR in those European countries (except Switzerland whose salaries I understand are higher by default). Singapore comes in as the 2nd earliest option for you to attain that salary number after NYC's 160k USD.

Raising a child is also expensive in the US, Canada, even Malaysia and Australia. It's only the European countries that give you tons of parent leave, subsidies, assistance, childcare, education, etc. What's the pattern here? That shit is paid by the taxpayer (office workers will generally get taxed in the 40-50% bracket in Germany, even higher the further north you go. Also happen to be the countries with very low class mobility (AKA work until die)

I haven't researched divorce in different countries too much but based on what I know, it's similar in the US and Australia. At any rate, you think Western countries which have rising numbers of rising SJW, feminist, virtue signalling fucktards will make their divorce laws any better or fairer for men? LOL

Better to be surrounded than to be overrun from the inside LOL. Referring to Europe. There's statistics that those people will overtake whites and become the new majority within the next few decades at the low rate whites are reproducing (yay anti-family no responsibilities culture championed by SJWs) combined with how those other fellahs breed like rabbits.

Riots tend to happen when the gomen doesn't do enough to pacify most of the pop. I seriously doubt Singapore faces a higher probability of rioting.

Pros and cons! I was thinking about moving to tw or china but china of cuz less likely as they dont need mirgants and they are communist! I think asian country has low tax compare with EU and US!

As for US, i know alot of friends who study or work there prefer sg! This is hard truth! As for your EUR and USD conversion to SGD, u will confirm earn and your money value become bigger! SG is ideal for investors due to low tax! I was referring abt those poor normal sg peo living in sg!

Sg need migrants as SG has low birth rate plus no much talent! The moslem birth rate is high and above replacement lvl! The govt would need to keep welcoming non moslem rich migrant!

SG space wise is very limited and properties are all hyped! The poor sg fellows here have no much chance of becoming rich as many rich investors pumping the properties! Work until u die unless u single or u born rich or u strike rich!


i dont know about others who migrated and failed maybe they lost their job or cant adapt to the enviroment especially the weather or maybe they cant adapt because they have the 1st class mentality and the cant take it when they feel they no longer the 1st class( trust me i knew one person like this a manager she NEVER talk to the lower staff even we greeted her) she migrated to Australia and after 2 years later she came back).
this is a big one. bro @nayr69sg is a qualified doctor and halfway to surgeon. Went to Canada and became a window fitter! Manual labour job at a window factory. Much respect! :thumbsup:


I've living experience in America and Europe for a long time now, and am actually looking to move to Singapore (am Malaysian) so I'll bite.

Working hard if you own your own business = literally every country ever. The money you make is going to be proportional to your effort, why wouldn't you work hard every day? Ken Rockwell's "2 hour work day" is a satire but really describes the reality of it - work for someone else? Try to finish work as quickly as possible and then slack off/use the time for your personal errands. Work for yourself? Well you have to work as hard as possible because your bank account is depending on it.

Singapore also has had 0% capital gains tax. Literally every Western country from the US to Germany to Australia has some form of capital gains tax that takes away a slice of your profits (like 25% for some countries like Germany).

The only country which is most 'open' for the commoner to get rich is actually the US. Tech folks get paid a ton of money just for their skill, without any of that career ladder climbing, political or networking bullshit.

See the screenshot I attached below, someone did the math. It's hard to get rich in any country and you're forced to "work until you die" because their systems are designed for you to work like an indentured slave until old age. Singapore is actually one of the fastest countries you can retire due to the relatively high salary ceilings, low taxes and no capital gains taxes (at a certain point in your career, most of your gains should/will come from investments, not your salary).

You might look at the chart and say forget it, who's gonna pay me 145k SGD? Well, who's gonna pay you 100k EUR in those European countries (except Switzerland whose salaries I understand are higher by default). Singapore comes in as the 2nd earliest option for you to attain that salary number after NYC's 160k USD.

Raising a child is also expensive in the US, Canada, even Malaysia and Australia. It's only the European countries that give you tons of parent leave, subsidies, assistance, childcare, education, etc. What's the pattern here? That shit is paid by the taxpayer (office workers will generally get taxed in the 40-50% bracket in Germany, even higher the further north you go. Also happen to be the countries with very low class mobility (AKA work until die)

I haven't researched divorce in different countries too much but based on what I know, it's similar in the US and Australia. At any rate, you think Western countries which have rising numbers of rising SJW, feminist, virtue signalling fucktards will make their divorce laws any better or fairer for men? LOL

Better to be surrounded than to be overrun from the inside LOL. Referring to Europe. There's statistics that those people will overtake whites and become the new majority within the next few decades at the low rate whites are reproducing (yay anti-family no responsibilities culture championed by SJWs) combined with how those other fellahs breed like rabbits.

Riots tend to happen when the gomen doesn't do enough to pacify most of the pop. I seriously doubt Singapore faces a higher probability of rioting.
hi topmoonkek. I guess you're new to the forum and a welcome is in order. First of all, thanks for sharing your German experience. It was very interesting. I think I could listen to stories that condense life experiences forever. I'm actually quite similar to you. Am Malaysian too.

Although I've had my experiences, I have a slightly different take on it, but that's not so important for now. I'm just adding a different point of view to the mix. I would assume you're juggling at least a postgraduate degree in addition to your undergraduate? If so, Singapore is more highly biased towards you. Singapore treats people without tertiary education very, very poorly. Hence, I'm assuming that's the reason why amransan had to live through hell while he was here. I'm happy for him now that he's moved and feels more appreciated where he is.

You said you went to the US first right? And the dating market was dry there too? or was it just Germany? Amransan's points that you should consider Malaysia have some validity, but before I pitch it, I want to hear more from you first because nothing quite like understanding a chicken won't swim in lakes where a duck would even though both are similarly sized fowl if you know what I mean.


this is a big one. bro @nayr69sg is a qualified doctor and halfway to surgeon. Went to Canada and became a window fitter! Manual labour job at a window factory. Much respect! :thumbsup:

i also respect bro @nayr69sg he can adapt to a new enviroment and already suceeded.
for me i was a mailroom cum despatch in sg and in Australia i work as hospital attandant helping nurses pushing patients and then i work in CSSD washing instruments after every operations hehehe :smile:

like our bro @nayr69sg we do take alot of risk moving to another country and we are lucky we can adapt there bro.
that is why i always advice people around me and friend if they can migrate go for it. now i slowly install migration to my nephew in singapore he is only sec 3 for now he told me he still young dont havent thought about what he going to do in future, which i agree with him and i told him to choose the right course when he enter poly if he can take up nursing he should consider if he can study doctor lagi best!
well at the end it his choice i can only advice that what i told him bro :smile:

cheers! :smile:
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i also respect bro @nayr69sg he can adapt to a new enviroment and already suceeded.
for me i was a mailroom cum despatch in sg and in Australia i work as hospital attandant helping nurses pushing patients and then i work in CSSD washing instruments after every operations hehehe :smile:
not only singaporeans look down on qualifications. they also look down race. makes me angry only bro...

like our bro @nayr69sg we do take alot of risk moving to another country and we are lucky we can adapt there bro.
that is why i always advice people around me and friend if they can migrate go for it. now i slowly install migration to my nephew in singapore he is only sec 3 for now he told me he still young dont havent thought about what he going to do in future, which i agree with him and i told him to choose the right course when he enter poly if he can take up nursing he should consider if he can study doctor lagi best!
well at the end it his choice i can only advice that what i told me bro :smile:
Actually, to be honest, that guy do anything also will succeed. He so garang one. Every place he work don't want him to quit.

Also if migrating to Aust no need to work so hard be a doctor. Nurses very well paid there. Doctors may not be worth the time,$ and effort to get the qualification.

Make sure you install in your nephew don't bring racist/religious hatred from Asia with him. Our SEA teruk lah. everyone grow up hating everything and everyone different. Live new life be happy accept all.


not only singaporeans look down on qualifications. they also look down race. makes me angry only bro...

Actually, to be honest, that guy do anything also will succeed. He so garang one. Every place he work don't want him to quit.

Also if migrating to Aust no need to work so hard be a doctor. Nurses very well paid there. Doctors may not be worth the time,$ and effort to get the qualification.

Make sure you install in your nephew don't bring racist/religious hatred from Asia with him. Our SEA teruk lah. everyone grow up hating everything and everyone different. Live new life be happy accept all.

that is why bro i renouced my singapore citisenship without a blink. if not for my parent still in sg i dont think i ever step to singapore soil bro sorry to say this singapore is really toxic place to live bro. it is very sad singapore in the 70s to late 80s was the best place to live (in kampong) where every races treat each other like family that is why i married to a chinese wife because i strongly believe harmony no matter what colour skin u are. still in singapore there are very few very good friends i call them brothers they really treat me like i am their family. whenever i visit my parent i surely make the time to meet up a few of my good bros there :smile:

the doctor here in Australia bro really enjoy their life here and they try not to work more then they suppose to because of the high tax (still their salary very high) and they always go holidays afew time every year bro. as for the nurse in Australia they really well respected the patient here will wait for the nurse and even hospital attandant and give a hug and say thank u then they go home!!!!! how i know this because i and my wife experinced it so many times when we both work in the same hospital!!! even their family also say thank you and give us a hug for looking after their sick family member. we feel apriciated bro!!!
unlike in singapore nurses were treated like maid and kena scolded that is why whenever my wife come back home she look so drain and no life in her in sg bro.

for my nephew i got confident and glad because he also been brought up like how we were brought up we treat others like our own family member and we dont choose any skin colour. and i can see he mix very well with other races that makes me very happy but we can never know in future when he goes to working life in sg he can mix well but can other treat him the same???
that is why i want him to get the right course and in future he can move to another country if he experince the same thing i experienced in sg bro :smile:


that is why bro i renouced my singapore citisenship without a blink. if not for my parent still in sg i dont think i ever step to singapore soil bro sorry to say this singapore is really toxic place to live bro. it is very sad singapore in the 70s to late 80s was the best place to live (in kampong) where every races treat each other like family that is why i married to a chinese wife because i strongly believe harmony no matter what colour skin u are. still in singapore there are very few very good friends i call them brothers they really treat me like i am their family. whenever i visit my parent i surely make the time to meet up a few of my good bros there :smile:

the doctor here in Australia bro really enjoy their life here and they try not to work more then they suppose to because of the high tax (still their salary very high) and they always go holidays afew time every year bro. as for the nurse in Australia they really well respected the patient here will wait for the nurse and even hospital attandant and give a hug and say thank u then they go home!!!!! how i know this because i and my wife experinced it so many times when we both work in the same hospital!!! even their family also say thank you and give us a hug for looking after their sick family member. we feel apriciated bro!!!
unlike in singapore nurses were treated like maid and kena scolded that is why whenever my wife come back home she look so drain and no life in her in sg bro.

for my nephew i got confident and glad because he also been brought up like how we were brought up we treat others like our own family member and we dont choose any skin colour. and i can see he mix very well with other races that makes me very happy but we can never know in future when he goes to working life in sg he can mix well but can other treat him the same???
that is why i want him to get the right course and in future he can move to another country if he experince the same thing i experienced in sg bro :smile:
sinkie really toxic bro. better you leave. maid treatment not very good already. I think sometimes nurse are treated even worse. Can ask nayr69sg. He doctor also feel like najis.

and no they won't treat him the same. I see it also :mad:. One time some years ago I was in MRT. Train jam brake. Everyone stumble. Everyone knock into everyone. This young indian girl and her 1 brother 1 sister chatting happily away. She bumped into this angry middle aged chinese woman. Wah start scolding non-stop. The indians keep aplogizing. the woman keep scolding. whole train buat bodoh. I wait for her to turn around and look at me and I told her I didn't see her do anything wrong. Then she shut up. Tak boleh tahan. Make me malu to be Cina. :mad::redface:

I hope he leaves before he becomes infected with hateful poison... :unsure: can oso go course in aus. Maybe faster and better treatment. I think they sponsor/subsidize if you wish do nursing. So much demand. Reason why I say nursing is after tax, pay not so very different. Doctor got many more headaches. Also have to think like businessman and constantly upgrading. Also I think nursing less pressure, less headache, more subsidies etc etc. Maybe I got too many doctors tell me their problems thats why I think this way.


sinkie really toxic bro. better you leave. maid treatment not very good already. I think sometimes nurse are treated even worse. Can ask nayr69sg. He doctor also feel like najis.

and no they won't treat him the same. I see it also :mad:. One time some years ago I was in MRT. Train jam brake. Everyone stumble. Everyone knock into everyone. This young indian girl and her 1 brother 1 sister chatting happily away. She bumped into this angry middle aged chinese woman. Wah start scolding non-stop. The indians keep aplogizing. the woman keep scolding. whole train buat bodoh. I wait for her to turn around and look at me and I told her I didn't see her do anything wrong. Then she shut up. Tak boleh tahan. Make me malu to be Cina. :mad::redface:

I hope he leaves before he becomes infected with hateful poison... :unsure: can oso go course in aus. Maybe faster and better treatment. I think they sponsor/subsidize if you wish do nursing. So much demand. Reason why I say nursing is after tax, pay not so very different. Doctor got many more headaches. Also have to think like businessman and constantly upgrading. Also I think nursing less pressure, less headache, more subsidies etc etc. Maybe I got too many doctors tell me their problems thats why I think this way.

i strongly believe why singapore turn out to be like this a souless country is because it progress too fast and people there been brainwashed ever since they enter primary school where students compete eachother to be the top in class from there slowly in their mind it is very important to be no.1 and this mindset will follow them until they enter working world they will do whatever it takes to get promoted and to be the top in the company. they even backstab eachother to reach their goal that is how toxic working in singapore bro if u are nice person like me u will be step on and spit on there.

u know honestly last time when we were still living in sg my inlaw will bring me and my wife to malaysia during CNY where they got relatives there (for me i dont have any malaysian relative in malaysia all of my relative are in sg but 4 years ago i got to know one of my cousin she quietly migrated to malaysia so now i got one relaitve in malaysia lah :smile: ) i always very happy and looking forward to meet up my wife side relatives in malaysia we get along very well and everytime they come to sg they surely ask my inlaw where is Amran :smile: and bro i find chinese malaysian are very humble and very friendly it really reminded me when i was in kampong the olden day where everyone are friendly bro! :smile:
and sometime me and my wife save money for a few month once we got about $400 and convert it to malaysia ringgit we will go JB to makan, see movies, i go 2 hrs full body thai massage, and buy food and dvd back to sg in the evening. and every time i go malaysia i love to have a chat to strangers no matter they are malay or indian or chinese so far they are very friendly bro :smile:
if in sg even i greet the stare i get up and down like i going to rob them :(
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