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Man with 8cm gash waited 7 hours in vain at A&E only to faint from blood loss


Alfrescian (Inf)
I dont understand the yanks..on one hand they are suppose to be great believers in the free market,,which is pay as u go,,on the other hand they can be welfare liberals whereby they give free treatment to illegal immigrants etc etc. I mean if u are an illegal, you are a criminal and broke the law, why cant they be rounded up and deported?

At the end of the day, in the US, a life is still previous, even if it is that of an illegal.


Man with 8cm gash waited 7 hours in vain at A&E only to faint from blood loss
Posted on 17 August 2013 | 18493 views | 17 comments | 0 shares
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Warning, viewer discretion is advised. Pictures are graphic.
STOMPer Isaac says his friend waited seven hours in vain at Changi General Hospital for a doctors to stitch up an 8cm gash on his arm he sustained at work.
His friend's father eventually decided to relocate him to Mt Alvernia Hospital for treatment, by which time he had passed out from blood loss.
The STOMPer wrote:
"My friend, Lim, in his thirties, suffered a workplace-related accident on Aug 7, at around 11.30am.
"He had fallen down and his right forearm sustained a gash of approximately 8cm length due to a cut from a steel bar.
"His co-workers immediately rushed him to the CGH and they arrived at the Accidents & Emergency department at around noon.
"The staff nurses were quick to administer basic wound dressing and bandage to his wounds, and also an intravenous drip was also given to him.
"Lim's father also arrived at the hospital at 2pm that day.
"However, even at 3pm, they were told by nurses that doctor was unavailable.
"Every time they asked for a doctor, the nurses would reply the doctor will 'attend to them in half an hour'.
"To their horror, the doctor still hadn't come and performed the stitching operation even at 5pm, and the nurses could only 'top up' the bandages when the blood seeped through the dressing.
"It was only at 7pm, when Lim said he was feeling faint and going to pass out, that a doctor finally came.
"To their shock, the doctor said there were still four patients waiting in line, and that Lim would have to wait until midnight before he could perform the operation on him.
"Worse still, the doctor even said that he might have to wait until the next morning.
"Upon hearing this, the Lims wanted an immediate transfer to another hospital.
"Much to their chagrin, they were told that ambulances were also unavailable.
"While having to deal with tough luck, the father managed to get his son transferred to Alvernia Hospital, at MacRitchie using his personal vehicle.
"The father was appalled by the doctor's attitude.
"He said the doctor even shooed them away when he requested to have an immediate transfer.
"He said his son went unconscious as soon as they arrived at Alvernia Hospital, where he finally received the long awaited stitching operation by another surgeon. He received between 15 to 20 stitches.
"The father did receive a 'concerned' telephone call from a CGH officer on Aug 16.
"The father reprimanded the hospital staff for their behavior and for having insufficient medical personnel on duty as well as equipment such as ambulances.
"He said the Ministry of Health should look into this matter and seek to improve our hospital's standards, before someone's life is lost."

GALLERY: Click on thumbnails for larger image


Thats a small wound!
No vital structures in its vicinity.
It needs treatment but its certainly not an emergency.
Simple pressure on the wound would stop the bleeding.
Fainting ?? Come on!
Mostly likely stomper added it in for drama!


Alfrescian (Inf)
not if you go to an hospital in the area with lots of niggers and mexicans.
UK A&E fast? LKY even send a 747 from singapore, a plane have to fly from singapore and bring her back, is faster than UK A&E, how can you claim it is fast?

If you have the dough in the US, you can get treatment super fast. In the UK, everyone is assessed according to need. But there are private facilities that can treat you instantly. Even in the NHS, you won't experienced that kind of wait of the sinkee.
LKY is kiasu lah ...under NHS, wife can't jump queue. Back in sinkapore, the best doctors and equipments are on call for him. That's the privilege of being the emperor of sinkapore.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Thats a small wound!
No vital structures in its vicinity.
It needs treatment but its certainly not an emergency.
Simple pressure on the wound would stop the bleeding.
Fainting ?? Come on!
Mostly likely stomper added it in for drama!

Come back here and repost after you or your family meet a similar accident and waited 7 hours.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Thats a small wound!
No vital structures in its vicinity.
It needs treatment but its certainly not an emergency.
Simple pressure on the wound would stop the bleeding.
Fainting ?? Come on!
Mostly likely stomper added it in for drama!

i totally agree with you
the would is not life threatening
he can afford to wait
the bleeding has stopped
and he fainted probably out of fear and exhaustion
there are more serious cases to be attended to like heart attacks and stab wounds


Alfrescian (Inf)
i totally agree with you
the would is not life threatening
he can afford to wait
the bleeding has stopped
and he fainted probably out of fear and exhaustion
there are more serious cases to be attended to like heart attacks and stab wounds

Hope you don't go to hospital. I am sure you will die. I am not cursing you. Its a fact that govt hospitals has the lowest service levels. Too many people in Singapore. That's the problem. Nothing to do with doctors or nurses.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tat is why USA is fucked up...give priority to those undeserving..Pay for foreigners for what? than your own people leh? they die their own biz? Americans with no healthcare insurance are fucked,,,and the way to get insurance is to work,,hence u have to find employment which gives u insurance...meanwhile foreigners come in go A&E for free,,and locals go they have to pay as they insurance..no wonder right wingers are on the rise,,thanks to such fuck up policies...

At the end of the day, in the US, a life is still previous, even if it is that of an illegal.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hope you don't go to hospital. I am sure you will die. I am not cursing you. Its a fact that govt hospitals has the lowest service levels. Too many people in Singapore. That's the problem. Nothing to do with doctors or nurses.

give me some examples where people will die if they go to our hospitals
those who died are very critically ill patients - sometimes, even with the best medical care, they will still succumb
you talk about bad service, give me some examples and let us go through them rationally without any bias
it's very easy to accuse the hospitals of bad service or any ministry of bad service...but give examples.
if the service is bad, the hospital will review the system and see where it can improve....

we are not perfect. but at least, we try to do our best. that is the philosophy underlying our civil governance.

if you have a chance to go to the Immigration HQ ( ICA ) you will be pleasantly surprised how super efficient the ICA really is. Singapore has the best civil governance in the world. Just don't anyhow hoot and talk bs...


it's very easy to accuse the hospitals of bad service or any ministry of bad service...but give examples.

Well you asked for it, you spine less PAPShit.

My father in law had a fall and we promptly sent him to Khoo Teck Puat.

He was clearly in pain and it was difficult to move him.

Well the drs there went thru their routine and 3 hours later called us in. The young Myanmar doctor said the xray did not show any fracture and told us to bring him home.

I'm no doctor but logic and elimination would have me conclude even without looking at an xray that his tibia was broken.

I scream at the doctor and gave him a good piece of my mind and refused to take my father in law home. I demanded he checked again. And we stompted out of the A and E.

Half an hour later, my sis in law was called in and they said there was a fracture.

So its either the doctor does not know how to interpret xray images and need someone else to do it. Or they mixed up the xray with someone else's. Both are evidence of neglect and incompetence.

And PAP's signature is all over it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Changi General Hospital

LOL what did you expect?

What had CGH done but employ pervert doctors? :rolleyes:

Want to die faster, get a misdiagnosis or neglected? Go to CGH or NUH.


Alfrescian (Inf)
give me some examples where people will die if they go to our hospitals
those who died are very critically ill patients - sometimes, even with the best medical care, they will still succumb
you talk about bad service, give me some examples and let us go through them rationally without any bias
it's very easy to accuse the hospitals of bad service or any ministry of bad service...but give examples.
if the service is bad, the hospital will review the system and see where it can improve....

we are not perfect. but at least, we try to do our best. that is the philosophy underlying our civil governance.

if you have a chance to go to the Immigration HQ ( ICA ) you will be pleasantly surprised how super efficient the ICA really is. Singapore has the best civil governance in the world. Just don't anyhow hoot and talk bs...

Alamak, you ask for examples and yet you don't give any. Not fair mah!

ICA efficient ah? Malaysia can issue passport in a few hours ...sinkapore takes a week! So much for efficiency!

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
The healthcare system mirrors the pap government and other shit happening in sinkieland.
In a nutshell its paying top dollars to get fucked...song bo? Make sure you get your money's worth.
Pay first world prices for medical but get worse than 3rd world service...isn't this just like the PAP?


Super Moderator
It is a well-known info that CGH is a place where patients go there for minor ailments and end up dead.

indeed... me had bad experiences with CGH as well, as early as 1998... seems like things haven't got any better... :eek::eek::eek:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Alamak, you ask for examples and yet you don't give any. Not fair mah!

ICA efficient ah? Malaysia can issue passport in a few hours ...sinkapore takes a week! So much for efficiency!

ICA super efficient....let in foreign whores by the plane loads....just go geylang, OT and joo chiat to see for yourself....I'm sure they did not swim to sinkieland illegally.
Bribes and sexual favors in exchange for entry to sinkieland...

ICA can let tok leng how and mat selamat escape....just to name 2....

ICA can detain CSJ at airport from traveling but let bankrupt NKF chairman slip thru....and let another bankrupt guy using his elderly father's passport to travel.

ICA very garang....got own tv series point of entry.

Just a few cases....feel free to add more.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Well you asked for it, you spine less PAPShit.

My father in law had a fall and we promptly sent him to Khoo Teck Puat.

He was clearly in pain and it was difficult to move him.

Well the drs there went thru their routine and 3 hours later called us in. The young Myanmar doctor said the xray did not show any fracture and told us to bring him home.

I'm no doctor but logic and elimination would have me conclude even without looking at an xray that his tibia was broken.

I scream at the doctor and gave him a good piece of my mind and refused to take my father in law home. I demanded he checked again. And we stompted out of the A and E.

Half an hour later, my sis in law was called in and they said there was a fracture.

So its either the doctor does not know how to interpret xray images and need someone else to do it. Or they mixed up the xray with someone else's. Both are evidence of neglect and incompetence.

And PAP's signature is all over it.

thank you for sharing your experience. yes, it is a medical error. you can write to the hospital and file a complaint.
this is only one example. sometimes, even the best surgeon can miss interpreting the xrays. your point is well taken.

but again, it does not mean that the whole healthcare system is flawed. the ER sees thousands of cases and missing one does not reflect badly on the department or the hospital. in usa, limbs are amputed wrongly. in world class usa and uk, breasts are removed wrongly. eyes are operated wrongly. medical mishaps happen everywhere in the world.

i still firmly believe that our medical healthcare system is still affordable and it is one of the best in the world.

if you could be more gentle and behaved in a more friendly manner, you could help to co-manage your FIL with the ER doctor. You are no doctor but you talked like one.You could make a clinical diagnosis of fracture without looking at the xrays. You should be sitting there instead of the ER doctor. You screamed at the doctor.What sort of behaviour is this? You refused to take your FIL home and you concluded you stomped out of the AE. So much contradictions.

Nothing to do with PAP. Nothing to do with the Government.Nothing to do with Kopi or Kopishit or a spineless PAPshit. You can't even control your emotions and you can't even get your kopi correct. How can you be a good doctor? Look into the mirror and see the ugliness inside. Thank you for sharing. We all make mistakes. We are not infallible,even doctors are not infallible.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
ICA super efficient....let in foreign whores by the plane loads....just go geylang, OT and joo chiat to see for yourself....I'm sure they did not swim to sinkieland illegally.
Bribes and sexual favors in exchange for entry to sinkieland...

ICA can let tok leng how and mat selamat escape....just to name 2....

ICA can detain CSJ at airport from traveling but let bankrupt NKF chairman slip thru....and let another bankrupt guy using his elderly father's passport to travel.

ICA very garang....got own tv series point of entry.

Just a few cases....feel free to add more.

no wonder you are the Bureau Chief ! congrats!!!